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Dodd-Frank Studies Related to Financial Planning

January 01, 2011
In January 2011, The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released studies required by the Dodd-Frank Act that are of importance to CFP® professionals. Section 913 of the Dodd-Frank Act required the SEC to study the gaps in regulation of broker-dealers and investment advisers. Section 914 required the SEC to study the need for enhanced examination and enforcement resources for registered investment advisers. Section 919C required the GAO to study whether there are any gaps in the regulation of financial planners and make recommendations for filling identified gaps. Click on the links below for a summary of each study's findings and recommendations, as well as CFP Board's position on the studies.

SEC Study on Investment Advisers and Broker-Dealers (Section 913) (PDF, 161KB)

SEC Study on Enhancing Investment Adviser Examinations (Section 914) (PDF, 117KB)

GAO Study on Financial Planners and the Use of Financial Designations (Section 919C) (PDF, 160KB)